Database Description Field Description
Covid19_US_Counties The Covid19 US Counties database contains the following 5 attributes. ( date, county, state, cases, deaths)
historical_stock_prices The historical stock prices database contains the following 8 attributes. ( ticker, open, close, adj_close, low, high, volume, date)
Covid19_US_States The Covid19 US States database contains the following 4 attributes. ( date, state, cases, deaths)
Earthquakes The Earthquakes database contains the following 7 attributes. ( Date, depth, mag, magType, rms, net, place)
Global_Locations The Global Locations database contains the following 10 attributes. ( zip, lat, lng, city, state_id, state_name, population, density, county_name, Country)
movies The movies database contains the following 13 attributes. ( genres, homepage, imdb_id, original_title, overview, popularity, production_companies, release_date, revenue, runtime, tagline, title, vote_average)
Recipes The Recipes database contains the following 8 attributes. ( id, title, category, incredients, procedures, imagepath, notes, status)
airport_codes The airport codes database contains the following 12 attributes. ( ident, type, name, elevation_ft, continent, iso_country, iso_region, municipality, gps_code, iata_code, local_code, coordinates)
treatment_facilities The treatment facilities database contains the following 7 attributes. ( County, Company, Street, City, State, Zip, Phone)
Stock_Sectors The Stock Sectors database contains the following 3 attributes. ( Symbol, Name, Sector)
unspsc_codes The unspsc codes database contains the following 8 attributes. ( Segment, Segment_Name, Family, Family_Name, Class, Class_Name, Commodity, Commodity_Name)
Seattle_Restaurants_Operating_During_COVID19 The Seattle Restaurants Operating During COVID19 database contains the following 8 attributes. ( Lat, Long, business_name, address, phone_number, business_website, Open_For, Business_Details)
suppliers The suppliers database contains the following 6 attributes. ( supplierCode, supplierName, supplierAddress, supplierState, supplierZip, supplierPhoneNumber)